sphs, 16, january25th, basketball&volleyball are her life,
juntos podemos et harumbi, gets by with a little help from her friends,
God&Family ftw, purple is zee best, sunflowers too.
Everybody gets, gets a fair try You alright with me ‘til you tell a lie From the top you seem Like a different type of guy Did your own thing I gave it a try so yeah.. Told me you where catching feelings Kind off unusual Don’t believe you don’t let no woman Ever see this side of you I told my girls I wouldn’t trip I’m gonna stay calm I’ll just wait til later Then give him a call Now you’re Tellin’ me you’re all about me No other girl will do But boy one thing about me is I ain’t a fool
Uh, Hey boy how ya doin? You're that guy that I'm really pursuin and I would like to get to know you, can you give me your name, if you jot down your number you'll get mine in exchange. See I'm the girl in this town and I hope you wouldn't mind if I showed you around, so when you go to certain places you'll be thinkin of me. We got people to meet and many places to see.
"We just chillin milk em top billin Silk and pure linen, me and little Ceas Malibu sea breeze, Dom P's, palm trees, Cats lay low like Paublo in milked out diablos The Williest, bitches be the silliest The more I smoke, the smaller the phillie gets Room 112 where the players dwell to stash more cash than Burn and Hale"
^LOOOOOOOOOOL..cathlyn BAHAHAH ;) volleyball practice was good. ABC'S<3 havent even started my homo-work.. cept for science, which i finished in study hall, for once HA. woooooooooo sfu tourny this weekend!!! oh yeah, came second in the HJ tourny :\ ittsss okkaaaaaay. went to ivys with sheila and aids after. fail of trying to watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs. so we just watched a little bit of love and basketball. went home at like 10ish, got some pho first.
brb, intense 3-way i'll finish this some other time.
the things i was just asking for.. now all i need is my laptop back HJSC tourny tmrw! woooooooooooo. oh yeaah, watched the football game(s) today.
ND vs holy cross.... so hurt. then VC vs STM, when i left, it was 28-00. no surprise
for who was winning..hehe. saw the patko sisters! haha coincedence. what else..
uhm, socials project, gotta work on it :\ so yeah..
I CANT FIND MY PENCIL CASE!! ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): my day got ruined. started the socials project cover at 6:30, finished 5 minutes ago... 9:45? yeah.. wooo HJSC tourney this saturday!!! ohmg cannot wait. aaaaaaaaaaand, welcome back aids(: tatiyana is acting up cause she doesnt want to go to sleep...*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. better go help my mom put her down..HAHAHAH. jkjkjk.........sorta.
woooooo junior volleyball 09-10! hope this season will be a good one. fuuucking sucked at practice today ): x1234568654321 here is my cry baby crap list for the week: 1. I WANT MY ROOM BACK 2. I WANT MY PHONE BACK 3. I WANT MY LAPTOP BACK 4. I WISH YOU WERE HOME MORE OFTEN 5. I WISH YOU WEREN'T SUCH A DICK other than that. lifes good.
" hey red, looking good. you're that girl who's always classy and your curled hair sassy. Love those gold hoops you wear. you're always smiling and upbeat, shit, making my day every time i catch a glimpse of ya. too nervous about putting myself out there, will the spell you have on me and the hope continue? or is your heart already taken.. "
" such an unexpected twist to what started out as a bad day - you graciously held the door open for me at school around noon. if you recall, i only had enough energy to breathlessly utter a thank you, but i wish i said more. "
ND KILLED STM at todays football game. 7:30-10:30? f-ck. got so tired. saw maya,marwin,brando. etc. CAN YOU JERK? hahah<3 brando obviously cant.. met some new people, heard funny stories, the usual. and now im going to Mabels house.. bye.
"all black people are rapists" "YOUR SO BIASED. ARENT YOU HALF BLACK?.. so your dad's a rapist..?" "no no no, my dad is african. its waay different" NO IT ISNT MAYA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.
YESS VOLLEYBALL! i think i blew it :$$$$ !@#$%^& hopefully did well enough to move onto friday. going to miss the old coaches! second day of school - pretty good. found out were going to be cooking in math class.. HOO-RAAAAAH ms.green = MUUUH FAAAAAAAVE choir = <33 socials = 22 people & french = 18 people.. soooo pathetic :\
wear your heart on your sleeve.
"i know this is going to sound gay, but.." -GOING TO MISS YOU, ESCO! hahah
b: i love you g: i love you more b: noo i love you more (: g: dont be ridiculous boo, you know i love you more. b: hey babe, guess what? g: what beb? b: I LOVE YOU MOOORE. g: nononononono, i love you soo much. more than anything in the world. b: awww really baby? i miss you. g: i miss you to bb! b: :O :O :O :O BABE BABE BABE GUESSS WHAT OMGOMGOMG. g: what?!?! b: i love you then it starts aaaaaalll over again.
btw, i dont have that thing where you can change the size & color of the font ):
make it or break it year. since things are changing, might as well change up my blog too. math 10.. WOOO hahahhahahahhaha. new faces! heeeey grade eights ;) and volleyball tryouts tomorrow!!!!!! <3333333 finally. scaaared as fcuk cause we have a new coach.. :$:$:$:$:$:$:$ bottom locker, you've ruined my whole year.
Saturday, September 5, 2009 |
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
that time of year again.. excited/composed anxious/assured distraught/calm all of these, at the same time. if thats possible. aiming for second honors. as if thats possible.. HAHAH, fuck im such a downer. wsup grade 10 :$
spent the entire day with mlove, francois. more shopping at metro (Y) haha felt like lg's to the max. but yknow, thats what you get when your actually grounded and not allowed to go to pne anymore just cause your brother said you weren't allowed even if your mom said yes :\ 3 more days. hey school, heeeey. le sac effteedubbs!
went go-karting with france today, miss you!! while we were racing, i bumped her on a sharp turn and she went spinning out of control so someone had to help her..HAHA. overlapped you twice suckaaa! then she started mocking me cause my mom was so annoying LOOOOL. dropped by metro and bought school stuff, then watched the ugly truth. it was pretty funny, soooo horny though HAHAHAH, "cock this cock that"LMAO. and the end was just a scene of the two main characters doing it :$ :$ :$ freaking francis made me try to get her a pair of 3D glasses from the 'used' bin after the movie... LOOKED SO RIDICULOUS. ended up to be a fail. then she kept bugging me about how she wanted those glasses so badly, JUST so she can pop out the lenses cause they looks "cool" HAHA. haaarsh summer tradition. love you francois (: