MADE MY DAY Friday, February 27, 2009 |
cb: not as dirty as your pecpec..
ks: i wash my pecpec everyday!
cb: you mean every OTHER day.
ks: WHAT?! i get up every morning and wash my pecpec. ARE YOU GUYS NOT HYGENIC?
(10 minutes later)
renren hits kays pecpec.
jd: you mean the pecpec you wash every other day...
ks: i wash my pecpec everyday!
cb: you mean every OTHER day.
ks: WHAT?! i get up every morning and wash my pecpec. ARE YOU GUYS NOT HYGENIC?
(10 minutes later)
renren hits kays pecpec.
jd: you mean the pecpec you wash every other day...
rf,cb&rf:AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA (L) Thursday, February 26, 2009 |
Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
Today, I went to my crushes Mardi Gras party. He was handing out beads to all the girls at the party that flashed him. When he came around to me he stopped and said "I will give you these beads NOT to flash me." FML
i hate being sick): Wednesday, February 25, 2009 |
skipped track today 'cause i couldn't even stand up straight.
got my bangs cut after school, finally.
got home and slept till 7:30.
m0mma made me some home made clam chowdaa.
thank you mommy(:
+ she made me some home made [kah-la-man-see] juice. FTW.
now im just lying in bed, on the computer, feeling like im going to blow some chunks pretty soon.
now im just lying in bed, on the computer, feeling like im going to blow some chunks pretty soon.
):):):): :$$$$$$$$$$
on the upside, i can sleep in since im missing school tomollow(:
seriously, Tuesday, February 24, 2009 |
~~BuMmEd OuT~~ |

damn! and i was so excited for iPOP too...
AND our trip to disneyland is cancelled! D:D:D:
sorry france, it would've been sooo fun. ( N ) BOO HOO)':
floor seats, here i come!
finally came out of the closet! good for you. Monday, February 23, 2009 |
jasdetours. says:
btw, nice pink font, homo.
miguelmacapinlac. says:
i aint no homo
im gay.
btw, nice pink font, homo.
miguelmacapinlac. says:
i aint no homo
im gay.
If thou can wait, then thou shall stay. |
"I saw your new girlfriend the other day,
And I expected for her to be so much more than she was.
I checked out her style, the way she smiled,
The way she moved, the things she said,
The way she looked at me like, I got yo man.
She can’t love you like I can,
All of her love just can’t compare to what I have.
She can’t touch you like I do, Cause when i'm touchin you,
you pretend it’s me and you. And there’s no way her love's as good as mine.
There’s no reason for you to waste your time.
When we were together you told me what you didn’t like,
And you went out and got exactly that type.
She can’t hold you like I can.
Boy you a fool if you can’t realize what you had.
She can’t feel you like I can, 'Cause I’m a girl that's always standing by my man.
And there’s no way, there’s no way.
That her love could be, could be as good as mine.
There’s no reason, no reason
For you to even go and waste your time"
what if "she" see's..
i don't give a flyin' f*ck.
t r a c k and f i e l d. |
200m dash? $:
100m dash
high jump
long jump
triple jump.
let's do this sh*t.
"we can't change the world unless we change ourselves" Sunday, February 22, 2009 |
I can fill ya wit real millionaire shit (I can feel ya) Escargot, my car go, one sixty, swiftly Wreck it buy a new one, Your crew run run run, your crew run run, I know you sick of this, name brand n*gga wit flows girls say he's sweet like licorice..
Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see, Sometimes your words just hypnotize me. And I just love your flashy ways, Guess that's why they broke, and you're so paid
Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see, Sometimes your words just hypnotize me. And I just love your flashy ways, Guess that's why they broke, and you're so paid
in a tizzy. |
ex⋅cit⋅ed [ik-sahy-tid]
stirred emotionally; agitated: An excited crowd awaited the arrival of the famed rock group/celebrity.
stimulated to activity; brisk: an excited buying and selling of stocks.
yeah, i can pretty much say that this is the feeling i have
for getting floor tickets to see beyonce.
makes me even more excited since im still a concert virgin, HAHAH.
march 31st, HURRY UP!
stirred emotionally; agitated: An excited crowd awaited the arrival of the famed rock group/celebrity.
stimulated to activity; brisk: an excited buying and selling of stocks.
yeah, i can pretty much say that this is the feeling i have
for getting floor tickets to see beyonce.
makes me even more excited since im still a concert virgin, HAHAH.
march 31st, HURRY UP!
2 is company, 3 is a crowd. |
watched my very first hockey game at
marks birthday yesterday.
i couldn't keep my eyes off the screen.
cheering whenever we scored with cathlyn
and them. went into double overtime? HAHA, i think.
then concluded into a shootout. i can now say the shootout is
my favorite part of the gfame $: $: $: first we scored, and
they missed. HOO-RAH. then we both missed D: finally, toronto
scored there last shot. 3-3 :O it was all up to.. who was it?
Sundin? HAAHAHA, thats the only name i remember.
i dont think it was him though... anyways, all our hearts were
pumping like crazy... BUT SCORE! WE WON! all of us
were jumping up and down with glee. i swear, i went ballistic.
now, i think im hooked.
...ideal? Friday, February 20, 2009 |
The mirror is a good place for looking. i hated myself when i was a kid. all i could see were the big teeth and glasses. after all these years, i am more gentle with myself, and sometimes i even like what i see. again, brief instances of centredness, contentment.
Call me what you wish. what i do know is that i am a lot more complex than what you see or hear. i have several cards up my sleeve, and i may choose not to show them to you...
Call me what you wish. what i do know is that i am a lot more complex than what you see or hear. i have several cards up my sleeve, and i may choose not to show them to you...
please, |
Lifetime. Thursday, February 19, 2009 |
i fly the way we're supposed to,
i.e. , on my own.
it's gratifying that i can always
wake up before dying.
i'm a child of my age,
but i don't have to be.
a few months ago,
i saw two suns...
i.e. , on my own.
it's gratifying that i can always
wake up before dying.
i'm a child of my age,
but i don't have to be.
a few months ago,
i saw two suns...
the human body. |
Our appearance,
our words,
our actions,
are never greater
than ourselves.
For the soul
is our house;
our eyes its windows;
and our words
its messengers.
our words,
our actions,
are never greater
than ourselves.
For the soul
is our house;
our eyes its windows;
and our words
its messengers.
JR.GIRLS BASKATEBALL 08-09. Wednesday, February 18, 2009 |

Einstein's brain weighs as much as mine. Wednesday, February 11, 2009 |
report cards $: ok. So, i did waaay better then i did last year (: if i get 0.7 more grade points, i'm in 2nd honours f'suuuuuure, HAHAH shoot, i've gotta work hard this term. I know i' haha.. it's only because im too lazy to try :T i feel that if i just wake up from all this bullshit im going through, then i can really step up my game. and hey, who knows what i'll acheive in life. my mind is set to game mode. starting now.
GIBSONS IN 2. holy moley. so freaking excited to spend the weekend with the team. we get to play some ball, hangout with the finest, and go fine dining. haaapppy camper x1billion. and guess what, valentines day is coming :T ha, honestly, i hate it. having to be around all those mushy gushy lovers, PUKE. at least eli is willing to match outfits with me, hahah.
GIBSONS IN 2. holy moley. so freaking excited to spend the weekend with the team. we get to play some ball, hangout with the finest, and go fine dining. haaapppy camper x1billion. and guess what, valentines day is coming :T ha, honestly, i hate it. having to be around all those mushy gushy lovers, PUKE. at least eli is willing to match outfits with me, hahah.
another yesterday. Monday, February 9, 2009 |
so, to once again shorten things up because i'm too lazy to actually write down every single little detail of my day, here is the gist: tala came over, went out for bubble tea, tony picked her up and i stayed home because my brother was being an ass and wouldnt let me come with them to hang out ):<>
funnest shit ever. Saturday, February 7, 2009 |
2 / 6 / 09, long story short:
after school, went to ravins house, then ate with the team at DQ. watched some butt-ugly guys dance infront of us outside the window, trying to get our onto the bus and they started waving bye and chris started waving her middle finger, AHAHH. took some pictures. waited half an hour in the gym for the guys to start warming up. got in the crowd cheering our hearts out with big ass celtic signs, wearing our jerseys. lost by ONE fucking point, gg jr boys. randomly started cheering for new west min. walked all the way to rays.. caught in the middle with tala and sheh. picked my stuff up from rays then headed home with tala,cass, and sheh. tala slept over. then kc,jonathon,paul & kristian showed up. chilled for a while..climbed out the window..played with pebbles..then went outside to play some 3on3 basketball. guys won by one point, rematch f'sure. had some giggles, attempted to do some backtaps, HAHAH epic fail. made some dunks then just laughed the whole time. one of zee best days ever, wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.
after school, went to ravins house, then ate with the team at DQ. watched some butt-ugly guys dance infront of us outside the window, trying to get our onto the bus and they started waving bye and chris started waving her middle finger, AHAHH. took some pictures. waited half an hour in the gym for the guys to start warming up. got in the crowd cheering our hearts out with big ass celtic signs, wearing our jerseys. lost by ONE fucking point, gg jr boys. randomly started cheering for new west min. walked all the way to rays.. caught in the middle with tala and sheh. picked my stuff up from rays then headed home with tala,cass, and sheh. tala slept over. then kc,jonathon,paul & kristian showed up. chilled for a while..climbed out the window..played with pebbles..then went outside to play some 3on3 basketball. guys won by one point, rematch f'sure. had some giggles, attempted to do some backtaps, HAHAH epic fail. made some dunks then just laughed the whole time. one of zee best days ever, wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.
haha, try hiding it better.. Tuesday, February 3, 2009 |
I don´t wanna see your face, I don´t wanna hear your name. I don´t wanna thing just stay away baby. Don´t wanna know if you´re alright, or what you´re doin´ with your life. Don´t wanna hear that you´ll stay in touch, maybe. I´ll get by just fine.. So if you´re goin´ then darlin', goodbye, goodbye. Don´t call me in the middle of the night no more, don´t expect me to be there. Don´t think that it will be the way it was before, i´m not over you yet, and I don´t think I care. I don´t want to be your friend, I´ll forget we ever met, I´ll forget I ever let..ever let you into this heart of mine, baby. You just gotta let me be. You gotta keep away from me. ´Cause all I want to be is just free of you. Don´t you come around and say you still care about me. Go now, go now..
:T ,
:T ,
gotta love 'em. Sunday, February 1, 2009 |
SO, yesterday was probably one of the greatest days of my life. I spent most of my day at Robson with the great; franciskaye,brando,matthew,rutherfordJR,jesse, and justin. walked around for maybe 3 and a half hours and i only bought 2 pieces of clothing from AA. the guys kept ditching us because..they're guys. went to eat at OPA while they ate at fatass burger king, then watched some street magic. Headed home with france at 5:30, wondered why my house was so dark, then got a heart attack from the surprise party my mom secretly pulled on me $:
props to ivy and sheila for planning! and a big thanks to everyone who came(: