Einstein's brain weighs as much as mine.
report cards $: ok. So, i did waaay better then i did last year (: if i get 0.7 more grade points, i'm in 2nd honours f'suuuuuure, HAHAH shoot, i've gotta work hard this term. I know i'm...smart? haha.. it's only because im too lazy to try :T i feel that if i just wake up from all this bullshit im going through, then i can really step up my game. and hey, who knows what i'll acheive in life. my mind is set to game mode. starting now.
GIBSONS IN 2. holy moley. so freaking excited to spend the weekend with the team. we get to play some ball, hangout with the finest, and go fine dining. haaapppy camper x1billion. and guess what, valentines day is coming :T ha, honestly, i hate it. having to be around all those mushy gushy lovers, PUKE. at least eli is willing to match outfits with me, hahah.
GIBSONS IN 2. holy moley. so freaking excited to spend the weekend with the team. we get to play some ball, hangout with the finest, and go fine dining. haaapppy camper x1billion. and guess what, valentines day is coming :T ha, honestly, i hate it. having to be around all those mushy gushy lovers, PUKE. at least eli is willing to match outfits with me, hahah.