100th Blog Post!
i'll try to make it some what special.
so first of all, WOOOO LAKERS 08-09 NBA CHAMPS!

i wish i was apart of this family HAHA ):
secondly, fuck exams. i've been studying since 1pm. with only half
hour breaks in between (3 breaks?) and i've only covered TWO CHAPTERS.
are you f/cking serious. am i slow or what. hahaha.
thirdly, (thirdly? or third of all?) friday was the friggin bomb AHAH.
suuuuch a chill day. went to robson w/ francis k, brian t, tomtom, and migs.
my mom was in a good mood i guess. she gave me 100 bills to buy clothes at UO.
ended up buying a $60 flannel. brought some chicken teryaki + bbt home. went back to my house, pigged out on chips. brian left. ivy came. played volleyball and basketball outside. brian came back HAHA. watched hancock, WATERMELONS, more
basketball and volleyball, BBQ'd and just chilled on the patio eating and
telling hilarious stories from grade eight. thanks for making my day guys. MIA: CD,SM & AR. fourthly? had a game at holy cross on saturday. SO FAR. got there at
2 cause i thought my game was at 3:15, ahem BEN. had to watch 2 games until
ours started. freaking gr.8's didnt even show up MLIA. so we just played the
ref's and other coaches. waaay pathetic. fell asleep in the car cause of the traffic.
dropped fkp home, went to metro, met up with sheila and brian. I WAS ABOUT TO GET
AN IPHONE!!!!! )': but my mom was being shady. she got my hopes up saying
"ok, we'll get it then" BUT THEN she goes like "an extra $25 a month just for internet? eh..." i just stood there like, UHFUAIBHOUBAOUBGYH4829789237589327?!?!?!
so she said i can only get it if i do good on my exams ): which we all know
i think will never happen. HAHA FMLFMLFMLFML. so now its sunday. been studying
since i woke up. only had one meal. only done 2 chapters. been procrastinating since
forever. whats on my mind: peace iphone.
shout out to cathlyn. i love you and all your boys HAHA. especially the ninth grader.
you two make a good couple.
i'll try to make it some what special.
so first of all, WOOOO LAKERS 08-09 NBA CHAMPS!

i wish i was apart of this family HAHA ):
secondly, fuck exams. i've been studying since 1pm. with only half
hour breaks in between (3 breaks?) and i've only covered TWO CHAPTERS.
are you f/cking serious. am i slow or what. hahaha.
thirdly, (thirdly? or third of all?) friday was the friggin bomb AHAH.
suuuuch a chill day. went to robson w/ francis k, brian t, tomtom, and migs.
my mom was in a good mood i guess. she gave me 100 bills to buy clothes at UO.
ended up buying a $60 flannel. brought some chicken teryaki + bbt home. went back to my house, pigged out on chips. brian left. ivy came. played volleyball and basketball outside. brian came back HAHA. watched hancock, WATERMELONS, more
basketball and volleyball, BBQ'd and just chilled on the patio eating and
telling hilarious stories from grade eight. thanks for making my day guys. MIA: CD,SM & AR. fourthly? had a game at holy cross on saturday. SO FAR. got there at
2 cause i thought my game was at 3:15, ahem BEN. had to watch 2 games until
ours started. freaking gr.8's didnt even show up MLIA. so we just played the
ref's and other coaches. waaay pathetic. fell asleep in the car cause of the traffic.
dropped fkp home, went to metro, met up with sheila and brian. I WAS ABOUT TO GET
AN IPHONE!!!!! )': but my mom was being shady. she got my hopes up saying
"ok, we'll get it then" BUT THEN she goes like "an extra $25 a month just for internet? eh..." i just stood there like, UHFUAIBHOUBAOUBGYH4829789237589327?!?!?!
so she said i can only get it if i do good on my exams ): which we all know
i think will never happen. HAHA FMLFMLFMLFML. so now its sunday. been studying
since i woke up. only had one meal. only done 2 chapters. been procrastinating since
forever. whats on my mind: peace iphone.
shout out to cathlyn. i love you and all your boys HAHA. especially the ninth grader.
you two make a good couple.